Reporting using Zoho Reports
Mark Demicoli 2 November 2013 09:20:02 PM
Fancy a report? ClickBook provides a number of charts that give you a monthly view of bookings rendered, revenue generated, and bookings created by customers and in total. To locate these charts, go to your Account tab (Main Contact only) and open the Statistics section.If you need to drill down or create reports by other criteria, there is a simple path from ClickBook to Zoho Reports, a very clever and well priced reporting and charting tool. The basic account is free.
To get started, you will first need to export your bookings to a CSV file from ClickBook. You can do this from the Account tab. Remember where you save your CSV file because you're going to need it in a minute!
Then, go to and create an account.
One of the first options on the Zoho Reports home screen is to Import. Click this to import your CSV file.
The Import window provides several options, one of which is "Database Name" which can be any title such as "ClickBook Appointments". Hit the Browse button to locate the CSV file that you exported from ClickBook, then click Next.
You will be given options to check the import format. Follow the steps below to select the correct date format for the import:
1. Click "Choose matching date format"
2. Copy the following date format code and paste it into the "Enter your date format" field:
Code: dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm a
3. Click OK.
If this worked correctly, Zoho will indicate that the Start Date column is in fact recognised as a date, which is what we want:
Continue with the process until your data is imported. Zoho will ask you whether you want it to analyze your data and generate 'standard reports'. This doesn't seem to work great with ClickBook data, because Zoho doesn't really know what this information really represents, but, allowing it to create it's standard reports will give you an idea of what's possible, and can be deleted anyway.
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